How To Create Effective Advertising? | Trizone Communications

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How To Create Effective Advertising

How to create effective advertising?

The definition of effective advertising can vary for every individual, for some effective advertising can be more sales while for others it can be strong bonding and relationships with their customers or buyers. It has become important to come up with the right advertising campaigns in today’s time, especially when the market is filled with lots and lots of competitors. From a broader perspective, it might look very difficult to decide the right way for the communication, but if you narrow down you’ll find it to be very easy if you know where to focus.

In the old times, there used to be a practice of calling brand names at least 3-5 times in commercials or a radio spot. Earlier only print, radio, and OOH were major modes of communication for national brands while TV spots were emerging. Few brands did absolutely great during those old times like Amul, Cadbury, Parle, Bajaj, Fevicol, and few more but at the same time, some of them vanished completely. If you focus on what the winners did in those times you will notice that they always focused on customer experience and kept on evolving their advertising campaigns with the time. Like during the lockdown if you have watched the epic series Ramayan on DD, I’m sure you must have also noticed that Amul played its all old TV commercials and a few members in the family would have said oh! I used to love this ad and some young ones would have been surprised as well. Why do only a few of them always capture our attention? The answer is Great ads! which feels like part of life. The 80s kids must remember “hamara bajaj” which they used to sing that and who doesn’t love “ye fevicol ka majboot jod hai tutega nahi”. This is the effect of advertising and brands in our life. We love them, we associate with them and of course, we buy them and use them. Take a moment and just think which ads you personally loved watching and why? What was so special about them that you loved it, celebrity? The plot of the ad film, or the message which you liked, or the fun and enjoyment you got from it?

Effective advertising is where your product becomes a part of a customer’s life, it doesn’t require claims to be the best or most effective or how better it is than that rival brand. It also doesn’t need big-time celebrities until their personality or character really fits with the brand. Customers are intelligent and they’ve always been smart. Just focus on the right content and the story. In today’s time, it’s easy with the internet and social media and of course, all the traditional mediums combined create a lot of options on how you can do your customer segmentation and according to that create segment-specific content. It is also important to keep it regional where it is required. Look around their lifestyle, the way they think, live, and behave. What are their aspirations in life? One-fits-for-all doesn’t work anymore, every segment has some unique needs and way of living their life and if you can tap it right, they will love your advertising and sales will boom.

Plan very consciously before every campaign you do, prepare your long term communication strategy and keep your brand essence alive while you think about that big idea before you finalize your ad film, print campaigns or any other traditional media or any posts and content that you’ll be putting on your social media. Keep in mind what your customers will like to know and when or what will delight them the most. If you are confident about it, it’s good to go.

We at Trizone, always follow these principles and create tailor-made content for each media and season according to the brand and the communications channels we use. We try to give life to a brand – as a real person. We become part of their life. The secret sauce is to love the ads before you want your audience to like them. It should delight you before it delights your audience.

Image Source: Internet

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